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Academics at Odyssey

Odyssey offers a rigorous, fast-paced academic program for highly-motivated students. Our small size allows us to meet our students where they are with challenge and support. We adapt our curriculum to maximize each child’s school experience.

Odyssey’s Core

Academic Program

  • Pre-Algebra
  • Algebra
  • Algebra 2
  • Geometry
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Ecology
  • Engineering
  • Informational Writing
  • Creative Writing
  • Literary Analysis
  • Advanced Reading
  • Comprehension
  • U.S. History
  • World History
  • Current Events
  • Conversation
  • Written Language
  • Cultural Studies
  • Public Interaction in Japan

Beyond our solid academic offerings, we believe that every student’s learning experience should encompass the following skills and experiences:


Every course at Odyssey encourages whole-class dialogue as a tool to develop critical thinking.

Students are challenged to think independently – to be critical of what they read, to analyze and evaluate differing viewpoints and to generate their own evidence-based conclusions.


At school and on expeditions, students assume increasing amounts of community leadership.

Students develop fortitude in the face of physical and mental challenges, commitment to team members, and personal responsibility for individual and group success. We look to our 8th grade students especially to foster these attributes in their younger peers


Odyssey’s Social-Emotional Learning program provides a safe environment for students to learn to understand and manage their emotions.

During the often tumultuous years of early adolescence, we give our students the skills needed to establish and maintain healthy relationships with themselves and others.


Art, both studio and performance, is a key component of our school experience. Creating art involves making choices, taking chances and solving problems. It is way of expressing emotions, ideas and one’s self.

We offer weekly studio art classes and require that every Odyssean participate in our annual school play.


The ability to effectively learn with and from others is integral to every individual’s success.

Across our curriculum, in every single course, students work in groups. These group learning experiences teach students to see each other as resources and see themselves as valuable contributors.

Students experience achieving far more together than they can on their own.


At this important juncture in an adolescent’s life, a young person begins to define themselves and their life path. We are mindful that it is their journey.

We guide these heroes and heroines on their journey by helping them set their goals and chart their course.

This is their Odyssey.


We are small by design. Our intimate size is all about creating a vibrant, engaging, supportive environment for every member of the Odyssey family. Everyone is seen. Everyone is known. Everyone’s contribution is necessary and valued.

We extended this value into the broader community through service projects throughout the year.


Healthy minds work in tandem with healthy bodies. Our students need strength and flexibility to reach their goals. They need physical rigor to tackle the challenges of Odyssey expeditions.

We begin every day with movement. Our program includes martial arts, swimming, running, yoga, dance, stage combat and more.

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